28 August 2006

August in New York

Just want to take a moment here to praise the miracle that is August 2006 in New York City.

Since a heat wave broke on Aug. 3, August has been a beauty. Temperatures have rarely broken the 80 degree ceiling. Skies have been sunny and blue and a light breeze has hung around the harbor. In my 18 years in New York, there has never been such an August—that is to say, an enjoyable one. I oughta know; I stepped off an Amtrak train in the unmerry month in 1988. I've experienced every sweltering 30-day period, since country house I have not. None of them were worth a dime. Just a circle of hell to get through in order to reach lovely September on the other side.

What a difference weather makes. No really—we forget this. The worst circumstances can be improved by a day of perfect weather, in which you feel at home in your clothes, let the air and sun play about you, and relax your stride so as to further enjoy the given atmosphere. I doubt it's been more pleasant in the Berkshires or Hamptons.

Rain is expected off and on through Thursday, which means August will pass into history without a return to its scorching ways. Now, please God, don't send us an Indian Summer. Fall is short enough as it is these days.

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