25 September 2006

It's Called Saturation

Oh, my God, there's still hope for a good life in New York, isn't there?

What am I talking about? Starbucks franchises are closing, that's what. A few weeks back, there was word that a branch off Washington Square shut it doors. Now there news that an outlet at 102nd and Broadway is not more. Can it be that the hydra-heading corporation has finally reached the saturation point in this old city of ours? Oh, please, please, please, please, let it continue. Let it continue, God, oh, please!

In related news, Starbucks recently closed all of its shops in Tel Aviv blaming ''operational challenges.'' So, maybe that war was good for something.

1 comment:

  1. At first I thought this was the Denver Airport (but it wasn't even plotted then probably - or was it!). But I like Starbuck's coffee, it puts hair on my tonsils. Oh wait, they were removed 50+ years ago. No matter. Our Starbuck's here in FL was open and closed with virtually no one noticing; I think it brewed for less than a year. Pity. Long Live Dunkin' Donuts!


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