15 March 2007

Glitter on Warren Street

This four-story, red-brick building on a lonely, atmospheric block of Warren Street near Hicks in Cobble Hill has always intrigued me. As long as I've known it, the windows and doors have been sealed up with cinder blocks. Word in the neighborhood is that is was once, of all things, a Christmas tree ornament factory. A closed Christmas tree ornament factory—now isn't that about the most romantic, melancholy notion you've ever come across? I can't find any confirmation of this rumor, but locals say that, until recently, you'd find glitter on the sidewalks surrounding the building.

Anyone know anything more about this place? It certainly looks like a ripe candidate for condoization.


  1. I used to live on the corner of Hicks and Degraw.

    There wasa a giant Santa sitting on the corner of the roof of that building.
    This is going back as recently as about 10 or 11 years ago, and was there as far back as I can remember.

    I moved in '97.

  2. what is the address?

  3. Wish I knew. There are no markings on the building. All I can tell you is it's on the corner of Warren and Hicks.

  4. brooks -

    You've probably already covered this, but just in case, have you seen the mosaic house on the South side of Wyckoff between Smith and Hoyt? It looks like a work in progress. I'm sure some would cringe, but I like it.

  5. I haven't seen the mosaic house. (Or maybe haven't noticed it.) I will definitely take a look.

  6. The cinder blocks were only added recently (less than six months). I used to play tennis across the street, and I did pay close attention to the buildings. However, the buildings have been borded-up for years. My guess is that the buildiings are slated for development, and prett soon we will see some new residence.

    Two Haloween's ago, when that rapist was in on-the-run for dressing as a fireman and attacking a woman in Chelsea, and they were reports that he had been spotted in Cobble Hill, residents wondered if he may have been living/squatting in those buildings.

  7. 410 Hicks Street/99 Warren Street.

  8. and I believe that Long Island College owns that lot now.

  9. Yes I think the hospital owns the property, as they have a parking lot surrounding the building. They also cinder-blocked a garage on the corner of Columbia St.

  10. the first poster was right, it was a christmas ornament/display factory.

    there was like an inflatable santa and something else up there.
    up till recently there was a sign with the name of the company on the side facing hicks.

    the other poster was right, it was only cinderblocked recently.

    my guess is that someone is assembling parcels of land to build something huge there.

  11. Long Island College Hospital seems to be the consensus on the old factory's ownership. Makes sense since LICH employees use the surrounding parking lot. This deserves some further sleuthing.


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