16 March 2007

A Good Sign: McGovern's Bar

This is the sign outside McGovern's Bar on the western stretch of Spring Street in Soho. Used to be a great old dive. I see now that, though the sign is still hanging, the place is now something called Sway Lounge, which I couldn't give a flying fig about because it's got a cordon and a beefy bouncer and is obviously some trendoid haunt. At least the sign remains. Give it a good stare and move on.


  1. Uh, you mean the Western stretch of Spring Street...

  2. Yes, indeed, I do. It's been corrected. Thanks.

  3. I used to perform there in the late 1980's. It was free and fun to hang out. I stopped going when they started charging at the door.

  4. McGovern's was a friendly place to get hammered on cheap beer and hear local bands for free. This was in the late '80s.

    I also liked the metallic "nipples" that decorated the facade.

  5. I used to bartend there. I'm female and Black, bartended alone nights and acted as the"bouncer" and locked up six nights a week. Mostly longshoremen and printers then - 1985 to '86.
    Got to be too much but one of the best experiences I've ever had.

  6. What ever happened to Steve the owner???

  7. Barry V Miller10/11/2012 3:55 PM

    Yes, it's great to find these

    comments!! I'm the creator of

    the "metallic nipples" on the

    facade. The're actually stain-

    less steel ladel cups bolted to

    form a decorative border, and

    weren't intentionally to represent

    a human body part. I was also the

    the curator for 2 yrs at the Bar/

    Gallery '85-'86. I performed at

    the venue solo and with a group

    called MOONBEAT. I remember fond-

    ly the bartender commenter. I don't

    recall your name, but you play

    flute and were connected to some-

    one at Island Records. We had a

    bunch of great conversations. Now,

    I'm "a real Mainiac!" Best-

    Barry V Miller

  8. Used to go there all the time in the early 90's, great for local bands, especially Little Shining Man. Just had a random thought about thsi place and glad I found your blog!

  9. This is the 1st time finding something on McGovern's on Spring St. I have wonderful memories of there--hosting Tues nite open mike for about seven years. A lot of wonderful music happened there. Miss those days, regards, Debi Beryl

  10. My band, The Current, played there a handful of times in 1988-89. Steve was the manager. Always liked the bar. When we played people would drink, dance, and fight. And it was just out of the way enough to feel a little dangerous. I miss it.


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