28 March 2007

What's in a Name?

These signs are all over my neighborhood. They warn of Shaya Boymelgreen, a "global developer" who's coming our way and apparently, according to the flyer, means no good. I'm not going to make any evaluation of this gentleman in this item. (Other sites have covered his actions exhaustively.) I just want to say that I'm fascinating by the colorful, Dickensian peculiarity of his name. Shaya Boymelgreen. It's just so much fun to say. It's hypnotic. And the fact that he "is coming" just makes it all the more fascinating. "Shaya Boymelgreen Is Coming." It could be the tag line for a 1950s, sci-fi-horror B flick. The kind where somebody or something gets radiation poisoning and turns into a man-eating, rampaging mutant.


  1. the strange thing is that he's already here. (cue spooky theremin music)

  2. I saw one of these in Red Hook a couple of weeks ago. To me, it has messianic overtones.

    "Shaya Boymelgreen is Coming ... and he's really pissed!"

  3. Sounds like "Soylent Green"
    aka We Serve Man.

  4. Yes. It's since occurred to me that "Soylent Green" is the reason I associate Shaya Boymelgreen with B-movie horror flicks.

  5. Have you looked at the garbage this man builds? Its like buying a mystery gift, package looks great...until you open it. Shaya has paid many city officials to get his buidings signed off with many defects, and poor construction. The shear number of law suits says it all!


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