30 April 2007

Invisible Landmark Disappears

Now, here's a lost treasure whose destruction no one would have missed if not for the vigilant blog Queen's Crap.

Above is what's taken the place of the house below, which used to be the house even further below, which was once the clubhouse of the long-gone Richmond Hills Golf Course, now present-day Kew Gardens. You've got one guess as to which is the uglier of the three.

I'll never understand McMansions. They've received nothing but barrelloads of bad press from day one. Yet people still order them up. What malfunctioning part of their brains tells them these things are beautiful or prestigious? Can this be chalked up to our nation's over-interest in mobster life? Have we come to think that goodfellas' unerring bad taste is actually good taste?


  1. You write: "I'll never understand McMansions. They've received nothing but barrelloads of bad press from day one. Yet people still order them up."

    It's teh same silliness that people continue to eat the food after which mcMansions are named! This could be a sentence written about the number of McDonald's restaurants in Queens: "I'll never understand McDonalds. They've received nothing but barrelloads of bad press from day one. Yet people still order them up." AND SADLY EAT THEM!

    Thanks for the always-worth-reading blog!

  2. Too true, DM. I'm too damn naive.


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