15 April 2007

Nice Address

There are all kinds of places I'd move to in this town if I had the wherewithal, but a few cozy addresses have always lingered up near the top of the list. Warren Place in Cobble Hill is one. Patchin Place another. And then there's 34 1/2 and 36 1/2 on Barrow Street, a gate in the Village that I always pause before, wondering at the quaintness of it all and what it must be like to call this doorway home.

The iron gate leads to a brick passage that is as narrow as hell. Even a person of ideal weight would have to turn slightly to the side and bown their head to pass down the 30 or so feet that lead to the inner courtyard. I was told the building was once owned by Aaron Burr, but Burr seems to have owned half of Greenwich Village at one point or another, the scoundrel.

I'd love to one day venture into the courtyard. If, by any chance, anyone who lives at 34 1/2 or 36 1/2 is reading this blog, whaddaya say? A tour? I'm harmless and I'd be indebted. That also goes for residents of Warren Place and Patchin Place.

1 comment:

  1. how do they move in furniture through that tiny space?


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