05 April 2007

Not Quite De-Lovely on DeGraw

I've been watching the progress of this private residence redo on Degraw Street between Hicks and Columbia over the past few months, trying to decide if the new look—a sort of Frankenstein's monster mix of the old brick structure and a new slanty-glassy addition—is interesting or monstrously ugly. The work is nearly done now, as you can see. And you know what? I still can't decide. Which probably means that it's an uggo in the final calculation. Hope the owners have lined up a good window washer.


  1. It's ugly.

  2. I like people who speak plainly.

  3. This is going on Queens Crap even though it's in Brooklyn, for crap has no borders.

  4. Fine by me, Queens Crapper. I guess it is pretty crappy. I was just erring on the side of charity because the builders were at least TRYING for something interesting. Most developers these days don't even try.


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