16 April 2007

Working Barber Pole

Seen in Murray Hill. Not many of these around anymore. Inside there were three seats, no waiting. Haircuts topped off at $12.


  1. at $12 then i guess the $ for the S is a bit ironic?

  2. Usually the barber sits outside the shop staring maliciously at passers-by. As I recall, he has a small, Hitler-esque moustache. Maybe he's shaved it since last summer.


  3. You're right. I glanced in and he did have a small black moustache and seemed a bit grumpy. Didn't want to make a judgment on his character, having never gone there.

  4. Good point. He's probably worn out.

    I passed the shop today -- before seeing this post, coincidentally -- and wondered how long he's been there, and how long he'll manage to stay in business. My guess is that he'll keep going for a bit longer, but when he's ready to close, the space will be taken over for the inevitable condo-reno.

  5. My husband got his hair cut there when we lived at Windsor Court. Yes, the proprietor does have a Hitleresque appearance but he is a nice guy who gives a good and cheap cut!


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