24 May 2007

Del Re in Manhattan

I've seen Del Re's old red knife-grinding truck rattle through Brooklyn many times over the years. I know the clang of its bell very well. But I've never seen it out of the Borough of Kings.

So I almost fell over the other day when I caught it stopped on a corner of Third Avenue in the east 80s in Manhattan. Idling there, the bell clanged again and again, calling all Upper East Siders with dull scissors and dinner knives. None came that I saw. Does Del Re troll all five boroughs after all? Or is this a new thing? Does anyone know?


  1. He's on the Upper West Side on Sundays. I almost fell over too, when I first saw him. I hadn't seen a grinder man in more than thirty years!

  2. He goes down my block (w82) on some Saturdays, but we've always had a grinder man, I just can't recall if it's been the same one. Maybe tomorrow, I'll run out with scissors and talk to him!


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