02 May 2007

A Good Sign: Senator's Dinettes Bedding

Don't look for this charming throwback in Bay Ridge for much longer. Senators Dinettes is out of business and the space is up for rent.

There's a world of cultural history in this unassuming placard, though. The old phone number with the lettered prefix. The sweet emphasis on "All Name Brands." The prominent advertising of the very-1950s "Dinettes." The owners apparently never changed a word. One mystery: what exactly, I wonder, was "recovered." Part of the sign has fallen off. Sofas, perhaps? Or, in a more Proustian vein, maybe Time.


  1. It's noteworthy that you misread the sign in spite of remarking that the "owners never changed a word." The sign says, in its "charming throwback" way, "Dinettes | Beddings" and not "Dinettes | Bedrooms." What good is "a world of cultural history in [an] unassuming placard" if you carelessly read what it literally says?

  2. Dude, it's a blog. I do it in the precious little spare time I have and I do my best. Sorry about the misspelling. It's been fixed.

  3. Thanks for the flash(back).
    My newly married wife and I purchased our first kitchen table for our apartment there back in 1975.
    When I first viewed the pic, I was like, wow, for a second, it felt like only moments ago...


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