13 July 2007

Chumley's to Reopen Oct. 1?

A hope-engendering report on the progress of Chumley's resurrection appeared this week in The Villager.

According to the account, workers have been laboring hard over the past week and are moving ahead steadily. Gerald Eglentowicz, Jr., New York City operations manager for LVI/Mazzocchi Wrecking, Inc. (the group in charge of the demolition bits, not the reconstruction), said "So far, we’ve removed the collapsed chimney and made way for shoring to be put in place to support the building."

"Phase Two" involves removing the south and east walls. Steve Shlopak, owner of Chumley’s, which occupies the building’s ground floor, was quoted as being happy about how the repairs are going. Reopening is scheduled for Oct. 1.

No word on previous reports which had the owners of the timeless bar buying the building from the current landlord.


  1. this is a great blog--and you've inspired me to do one of my own, a variation on the theme. i guess we can't have too many records of what's being lost.

  2. Jeremiah: You're right about that. Good luck to you. I'll check in on your new blog often.

  3. thanks. i've been adding a lot as i get it off the ground...added a couple links to your blog, thanks for the chumley's news.


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