06 August 2007

Jade Mountain's Last Stand

The family who ran Jade Mountain, the Second Avenue monument to old-school Chop Suey, has been relatively non communicado on the subject of their defunct business, brushing aside the public and press' inquiries about the closure. Very little has been learned since the restaurant suddenly shuttered last January.

Apparently, the interior of the joint has remained untouched until recently. The Villager reports that the family held a sort of estate sale on July 21, selling all the goods inside, including plates, cups and the famous fishtank. Here's a nice photo of the sad event from Vanishing New York. Wish I could have been there. I would have like a menu or some such momento.

But what about the most valuable thing Jade Mountain owns: the iconic neon sign. Well, according to the Villager, "A family member said that someone had wanted to buy the Jade Mountain sign and resurrect it for use at another restaurant located out of state."

Out of state. Just like the Moondance diner. "New York: now coming to a city near you."

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