31 August 2007

Not a Terrible Job

I am not generally inclined to give developers the benefit of the doubt. Ever. Scammin' greedsters all, as far as I'm concerned. But I have to tip my hat when things aren't going horribly wrong.

A condo complex has been going up at 149-151 Carroll Street near Henry Street in Carroll Gardens. And, looking at its near-complete facade, I have to concede: it doesn't completely offend me. It is four stories high, in keeping with the scale of the nabe. It's nicely set back from the street a few feet. The red bricks, of varying shades, appear to be of exceedingly good quality, and have been laid expertly (this photo does not do them justice). And the window have multiple panes and are top by decorative stonen lintels. This building does not shame the area.

I do not know the architect or developer. Perhaps they are reprobates worthy of disapprobation. But, to my naked eye, they have been respectful of their neighbors.

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