20 September 2007

Astroland May Return in 2007

Thor Equities—realizing that its not ready to building anything in Coney Island anytime soon, and that everyone in New York pretty much hates them—has decided to let eight Coney vendors stick around until fall 2008. Leases were handed out all around.http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif

This has made Carol Hill Albert, owner of Astroland, "hopeful." Talks are "ongoing."
And mighty Thor, raising his thunderbolt, boomed "We're hopeful that an agreement will be reached," he said. All hail Thor!

According to the , "The city's long-awaited rezoning for the area, which will determine what and where Thor will be allowed to build, is expected as soon as next month." Don't count on it, Joe.

1 comment:

  1. I love that spelling -- "Shis-ka Bob" -- which seems characteristic of Coney of yore. There were some great old signs in the Stillwell Ave. station before it was reconstructed. That of course led to the demise of beloved Philip's Candy, which had been shoehorned into the entrance on Surf since 1931. I think they may have moved to Staten Island when the old shop came down in 2001. Even if they were to return to Coney now, it wouldn't be the same.


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