16 September 2007

Zito Agonistes

I don't know when this happened or why, but it's certainly no way to treat what was once sacred ground in Greenwich Village.

The legendary Bleecker Street bakery A. Zito & Sons, which closed in 2004, has stood sadly vacant for the past three years. A sign in the window enticing new tenants had no effect. But now that sign is gone. And so is the window. Somebody or something rendered the pane of glass into a pile of shards, and the window has been covered with plywood, while the remaining surfaces of the narrow storefront have been defaced with graffiti.

The last time I checked on Zito, I was told that the lease to Zito had been sold to a small company which was shortly thereafter gobbled up by a bigger company. The bigger company has since proved "difficult" and sits on its hands and matters have come to a standstill.

Can no one save this address from these indignities.


  1. Can no one save this address from these indignities.

    Perhaps, but only if you spell Bleecker correctly.

  2. Goddamit! I always do that! I've corrected it now.


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