28 November 2007

New Look for Sahadi

Sometime last week, Sahadi Imports of Altantic Avenue tacked up a brand new sign and set of awnings, the first change to the venerable Brooklyn store's look in many years. It's a sharp piece of work, classy and dignified, though I will miss the faded paintings of camels and palm trees that it covered up.

I asked inside "Why the change?," and was told the that owner "was sick of looking at the same old sign." I can see that. But one wonders if the sprucing up isn't in reaction the the coming arrival of Trader Joe's across the street. Not all shoppers are as charmed by faded signage as I am.


  1. forget sahadi's they could use a little competition. the real stores are the legitimate arab businesses on atlantic. everything sahadi's sells can be found in a keyfood.

  2. If you think the loads of loose spices, herbs, nuts and dried fruit at Sahadi can be found at Key Food, you're sadly mistaken. Unless you like spending $4 for a bottle of McCormick.

  3. I second brooks. Sahadi's beats any store in the area with its selection and pricing.

  4. more critical sign of changing times, the glass jars have been replaced by plastic boxes. This is really unwelcome even if we can understand the reasons ( risk of piece of class within the nuts..)


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