07 January 2008

Long Island Restaurant Update

Well, not much of an update. It's still shut tighter than a drum, with nary a stir of activity inside. It's been two months since I reported that that place had been closed for two months. So that all fall and now going into winter.

Last we heard, the owner, Emma Sullivan, was back from a holiday in her native Spain—the reason she has shut the eatery in the first place. Some reports said she had injured herself while overseas. Some said a relative of hers had been injured and, because the person who helps her out in the restaurant was still in Spain tending to the hurt party, she couldn't open the business. There was also a rumor on the Cobble Hill Blog that the place is being shopped around by its elderly owner. The former telephone number remains disconnected.

Anyone know more?

Since I have no new news to speak of, how about some old news? Here's what was going on at the address back in 1870. Scranton & Co., an upscale purveyor of groceries and imports, announced it had newly outfitted its store so as to "compare favorably with any in the United States." To their "liquor" department they had add "Congress, Empire, Columbian, Hawthorn and Geyser Waters, which Waters are bottled from each of the above-named Springs expressly for S&Co. in so careful and secure a manner that they preserve all their medicinal values for years."

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