14 February 2008

The Great Wall of Union Street

Something's afoot at 340 Court, the large property near Union Street that was recently sold by Long Island College Hospital to the Clarett Group, and where a lot of asbestos was being carted out recently. Some workers were rapidly putting up a six-foot wooden fence-cum-barrier around the project. A construction fence, I assume. Hm. Maybe they're going to star tearing down the thing soon? Anyway, makes is awful hard to see what's going on in there now.

1 comment:

  1. I live around the corner. Apparently the Clarett company was going to tear this bldg down to build a 15-story luxury condo tower. Now the plans are for a 6 or 8 story "tower" and low rise row houses along Union and Sackett. There will be some retail at ground level on Court Street. The owners of the Apple Bank bldg wouldn't sell, so that corner's going to remain unchanged. But we should all expect a noisy few months as they do demo and construction!


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