12 February 2008

Rat-Squirrel House Lady Disappoints DOB

Fate wants me to report on the Rat-Squirrel House of Kane Street, Cobble Hill, because everytime I walk by there something official is happening.

The sorry-looking redbrick building, which was spray-painted and roped off by the fire department yesterday, received a visit from the Department of Building today. (Two guys wearing official DOB jackets—cool!) They were armed with a digital camera and ready to inspect. (See them above.) But the derelict lady landlord who reportedly lives inside the ruin wasn't answering the door. Ready for questioning, however, was a furry squirrel, who climbed out of the garden level window to greet the DOB men. (And it was a squirrel this time, no doubt. Fuzzy tail and all.) Today's snow will no doubt speed along the building's demise. Stay tuned.


  1. LoL I swear that squirrel is obviously your Jedi Master, Luke-Brooks (smile)..."Time it is; Destiny"

  2. Interesting theory, nickyjett. Next time I'll try to communicate with the squirrel.


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