28 February 2008

The Shedman Cometh

The world is now safe from the Rat-Squirrel House. Relatively, anyway. Some time yesterday or today some construction types hemmed in the Cobble Hill hazard. It's not a shed, per se; it's scaffolding. As seen above, the first floor surrounded by a green wooden box of scaffolding on top of blue metal poles and capped with a sprawling plywood bowl the shape of a giant catcher's mitt—all the better to catch the cornice and air-conditioner when they fall.

And that cornice is going to fall, boy! The arrival of the scaffolding seems to have given the sad building the permission to let it all hang out, with the cornice noticeably sagged further southward. I give it ten days before a big chunks drops down.


  1. Yeah, the story on this place is interesting. The women who owns it owns another building around the corner on Henry (I live next to that one). She is a little nuts and has let this place go for years, of course, but still illegally lives in there, sneaking in and our a few nights a week. She hasn't had a phone for years. Really nuts.

  2. Pat: Are you saying she has been living there since the scaffolding went up and the vacate notice posted on the door? Also, I've been looking for the building on Henry that she owns. What is its number?

  3. Yup,she has been living there, on an off at least, since the vacate notice went up. The other building she owns is 451 henry, I think. 4 story building.


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