11 February 2008

Well Said

I usually don't pull out comments, but this observation, by one "baha" in response to the post on Fazil's Times Square Studio, was so well put and to the point, I didn't want anybody to miss it:

The city in which I was born, as were many generations of my family before me, is dead. I mourn it every day. It was working class, middle class, and, indeed, upper class, living in this city together. Now only the upper-ultra-luxe class, or whatever they call themselves, are welcomed by Mayor Boston Business Man. May he rot in hell for destroying MY city. Do you remember the sign saga? An old law decreed that all NYC store signs had to be one foot tall, and include only name and address. Bloomie decided to enforce it. Walk along East Sixth Street sometime, and see what he's done by enforcing that law. It was rolled back in a week or two, but it destroyed that block, due to two thousand dollar fines. Those restaurants couldn't afford the fines, nor the new signs. He has no feel for this city. Go home Bloomie, to the Bahamas, or wherever you're spending the weekends these days.


  1. Hello,

    Really enoying your blog. Thanks so much for your efforts, you're doing a great job. I came across your blog looking for info on Le' Bar Bat, found a wealth of other info instead. Best of luck.



  2. Thanks! I just wish I had caught that hideous grammatical error before posting...


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