05 March 2008

DOB Gives Rats and Squirrels a Leg Up

The decrepit Rat Squirrel House in Cobble Hill, which is now encased in scaffolding, thanks for the Department of Building, has long had a permanently open window on its top floor. Now, however, it has an open window on the third floor as well.

The bottom pane of the far left window has been pushed in. I think it's pretty safe to say this is the work of a rat or squirrel or other varmint who, due to the new scaffolding, was now able to reach that floor. Just jump onto the plywood, lean against the window and presto—you're a critter who's bunking down landmark-style tonight!

Meanwhile, I found out a couple more things about the place. The house was built in 1901. And and in January, the address lost more than a third of its value, according to Department of Finance records, plummeting from a $1,313,000 valuation to $884,000, which is described as "tentative." Ha! I'll bet it's tentative.

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