14 March 2008

DOB Has No Plans for Rat-Squirrel House

The Department of Building, showing its usual alertness, has said it has no plans for the Rat Squirrel House of Cobble Hill beyond the ramshackle scaffolding it had put in place a couple weeks back.

New York 1—which did a report on the long-in-decay modern ruin in February, after Lost City began to write about the fascinated disaster (in which the owner lived, until recently)—returned to the scene of the crime recently for a follow-up. According to the March 11 account:

...at present the city has no plans to conduct further emergency work on the decaying structure, which is a major concern for parents who walk their children along this block on their way to and from school every day.

Guess that building that recently fell down in Harlem taught them nothing.

1 comment:

  1. This place is seriously dangerous - and God only knows what that crazy old lady is hiding in there. Aside from the obvious structural issues, im sure there are fire code violations inside.

    Would a neighborhood petition help to force the city to take action?

    I'll help - I live next door to this terrible thing.


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