07 March 2008

Some Stuff That's Interesting

The Water View Diner in Howard Beach, there for more than 30 years, gave up the ghost this week.

Department of Building admits it's fallible.

The system has finally fucked up one the last refuges of the City's poor and middle class: Pizza. An average slice will now set you back $2.50 to $3! And I used to get steamed at paying more than a $1.25.

Queens waits on Burden.


  1. Hey Lost City! Thanks for posting that Newsday article. That admission by DOB must be unprecedented. One thing we can agree on: how fucked up the Department of Buildings is! I live next door to an abandoned building/shell and have been trying to get DOB to make repairs for close to ten years (I will not be shocked if it collapses one day). There are many many more like this uptown/Harlem, which is something the city doesn't like to talk about.

  2. Yes, we can certainly agree on that.


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