27 March 2008

Some Stuff That's Interesting

B&B Carousell to be fixed up in Ohio.

Ten real estate brokers—including four who work for the evil Corcoran—busted for tax evasion. My God! How could it happen in this market?! Begin gloating.

Things don't look so good for Moynihan Station, a rare big development that might actually do the City some good.

Starbucks buys the Clover company, because it simply must control the coffee universey, and bad coffee must ultimately triumph over bad.

Gridskipper thinks reporters still drink and have hangouts. Ah, the old romantic notions...

Queens' St. Savior's Church has been stripped down to the bare bones and looks starkly beautiful.

Some different water towers.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Brooks. Lost New York...Found New York.

    Own a new cafe in Sunset Park. 51st and 6th ave. I opened in December.

    Eric Frankel was in the other night.

    Googled Frankel Shoes in Brooklyn looking for his website. Your Jan 15 post was the first return.

    Saw the pic in your sidebar of McHale's.

    Used to manage a place called JR's right across the street from there.

    Jimmy McHale and Jimmy Ray. Two of the most stand-up guys I ever met.

    Robert Stevens


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