22 April 2008

Cheyenne Diner Saved by...the Son of a Developer

I guess the only thing that can save development from itself is...development itself.

Just the other day, the west side's Cheyenne Diner was set to go down to dust, the victim of a rival diner who owned the structure and wanted to erect a nine-story building there. Would no one save the 68-year-old Cheyenne?!!

Yes, it turns out, someone would. Mike O'Connell, son of Red Hook developer of note, Greg O'Connell, who owns about a million things in South Brooklyn. The scion, head of O’C Construction, purchased the diner for $5,000 will now work on securing permits to transport it to its new home in sunny Red Hook. The Cheyenne will be refurbished and returned to its former glory by a diner specialist. All this was brokered by preservationist Michael Perlman, who formed the Committee To Save The Cheyenne Diner, and seems to spend his life preserving New York diners. Gotta hand it to him. He gets things done.

1 comment:

  1. Diners are relatively easy to save. They only cost a few grand and are easily transportable. When someone saves the NYS Pavilion in Flushing Meadows, I'll be truly impressed.


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