09 April 2008

Cheyenne to Follow Moondance Out of Town?

The same folks who found the Moondance Diner a new home in Wyoming are trying to similarly relocate the Cheyenne Diner at 9th and 33rd, which closed its doors for the last time on April 6, the victim of a rent dispute.

Read a press release:

Preservationist Michael Perlman of Queens, who founded the Committee To Save The Moondance Diner in spring 2007, along with fellow Preservationist Kyle Supley of Brooklyn, are now campaigning to spare the Cheyenne Diner from oblivion, after sparing the Moondance last summer. Michael Perlman of the Committee To Save The Cheyenne Diner further discussed the proposal with property owner George Papas (owner of nearby Skylight Diner, 402 W 34th St, & developer for Cheyenne property) on Sun, Apr 6th, and effectively convinced him to work together. It will be a win-win scenario for all parties when Papas sells the Cheyenne Diner, and it is relocated.

Perlman has already received notification from potential buyers from Indiana & Ohio. While the Cheyenne can potentially land a good home out of state, many patrons are praying that a NY-based buyer will contact the Committee at unlockthevault@hotmail.com, so it can ideally remain closer to its roots than the Moondance Diner in WY.

Nice intentions here, of course. However, the Moondance story didn't end so well. After being carted out to Barge, Wyoming, the old diner collapsed under the weight of a bunch of ice and snow on its roof.

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