14 April 2008

Post Office Update: Unsatisfactory

It's been a while since anyone's eviscerated the Brooklyn postal service, so let me take up the slack.

I recently paid a call on the Red Hook post office, which serves much of Carroll Gardens as well, despite the fact that it is way-the-hel distant from said neighborhood.

I was there to pick up a Legos toy my son's Uncle Joel has sent to his nephew. The post office had failed to successfully deliver it, and I was fearful it would soon be shipped back to whence it came. When we arrived, Window 5, which is set up as the package pick-up window in Red Hook, was dead to the world. So I took a place in the regular line, which snaked around nearly to the entrance. The entire time I was there, this line never had less that 25 people in it. And this was not lunchtime or the end of the workday. It was at 3 PM!

There were no egregious examples of arrogant, callous postal worker behavior. However, there was a tall young employee who kept smiling and singing a happy tune. Dude, when people are waiting in a hot, sweaty post office for up to 45 minutes, they don't want to see any worker who is happier than they are.

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