13 May 2008

A Landmark?

I noticed today that I recently posted my 1,000th post on this blog. It was a few days back. Not sure that it means anything in particular. But a lot of blogs like to commemorate such landmarks, and, since I didn't really make a big deal about my first year in "business," or my second anniversary, I might as well mark this. So: 1,000 posts, folks! 1,000 posts about Bloomberg, Doctoroff, Lancaster, Burden and their Crapitecture pals, and the heedless sundering of our culture and history that they're perpetrated in their pro-pro-pro-development blitzkrieg. Sadly, I see thousands more posts before their work is defeated.


  1. First, congratulations. Second, thank you for what you do. I wish I could say I look forward to your next 1,000 posts...I mean, I do. But that will likely mean reading about more destruction of our city...

  2. Thanks, ev grieve! I now exactly what you mean.

  3. That's pretty cool! And I happened to be thinking of you last night--I went for "sangria" at Tout va Bien. And bien it was! Looking forward to dining there soon.

  4. Great, Andrea. It makes me happy I inspired you to go. It's a great place.

  5. Congrats, Brooks. I hope you keep posting that good stuff. Really. You document my city's struggles with gentrification well.


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