05 May 2008

No Chumley's For May

Here it is my sad duty to report that the latest touted reopening date for Chumley's—May—is not to be. Not unless they draft a few superheroes on to the construction crew between now and the end of the month.

Steve Shlopak, the owner of the famed bar, back in February told Lost City itself that the place would open for business again in this Merry Month. Of course, he's made promises before. Work does continue on the building. There's a new piece of scaffolding in the inner courtyard that wasn't there when I last looked. But this saloon is nowhere close to being ready to accept customers. And I don't see how it will ever open with just a few guys puttering around inside from time to time. A near wreck like 86 Bedford Street needs an army of workers buzzing around it 24 hours a day to have a hope in hell of rising up from the ashes.

April 5, 2008, passed with barely any recognition that the City has been without Chumley's for one whole year. Does anyone care out there? Is there no one with money and a mind who will step up to the task of saving this landmark? I hear there's a guy who lives on the Upper East Side and works in City Hall who's fairly well off and has a lot of influence. I hear he gives aways millions of dollars a year to worthy causes Maybe he's be a good guy for the job.


  1. Chumley's being closed for 12 months didn't cause a stir in the city because nobody cares much when great bars and saloons close. Sure, the Upper West Side lost the All-State Cafe and the Times did a huge article on it several months ago. But the fact is, many, many bars close each month in the city and it doesn't make the news. I fear people will shrug their shoulders and forget about it. I hope Chumley's makes it back from the dead, and reverses the trend.

  2. At least Chumley's will come back (I hope). I am still mourning McHale's on Eigth Avenue. It is gone forever, RIP.

  3. That's too bad. We were hoping to go there soon. Miss it there...

  4. Stopped by with my son a few weeks ago and was surprised and disappointed to see it closed. I live in PA and was there once and wanted to take my son to see it, shocked. Went to McSorley's and Burp Castle.

  5. I hope Chumley's opens again soon. We really enjoyed it the first time we were there. Hope hit is open before our annual pub crawl around the Village. Does anyone know if they finally reopened? Can't wait to go back again!

  6. There was a story on Curbed.com a few days ago that construction is underway. The entire structure is being rebuilt. I can't see Chumley's opening in 2009. It has been closed for almost two years!

  7. I wrote my latest novel based on Chumley's. I certainly hope it opens again and I will have a book signing there.



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