12 May 2008

Two Storefronts on Van Brunt

This is a bit beyond this site's purview, but every now any then I just like to comment on neighborhood stuff. 360 and Pioneer Inn were two eateries on Van Brunt Street—one fancy and white collar, one down-home and blue collar, both good—that helped mark Red Hook as a dining and carousing destination. Then both suddenly shuttered last year, 360 first and then Pioneer later. Pioneer, as I understand it, closed for prosaic reasons: DOH problems. 360's closure, however, is the stuff of legend. The general idea is that celebrated chef Arnaud Erhart cracked and headed to Timbuktu or Tahiti or some such retreat and has yet to return. Nobody knows for certain. Whenever some reporter does find out the true story, it'll make a hell of a read.

Anyway, there's activity at both addresses. The Pioneer Inn, as has been reported, is under new management and will soon become the Brooklyn Ice House. The front has been painted white and the Pioneer Inn sign has finally been taken down. There's lots of liquor lined up on the bar. Can't tell if it's leftover from the Pioneer's reign, or new stuff brought in by the Ice House people.

As for 360, it's for rent. Still looks like 360 inside. But there's a new message, emblazoned on a t-shirt, hanging in the window: "Stop and Think." Stop and think about what? About renting the place? About going into the restaurant business? About renting in Red Hook? About life?

What are you trying to tell us, Arnaud?! And where are you??!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ick -- Pioneer was nasty! And I gave it more than one chance. The final straw came when they served me a raw -- not rare -- raw hamburger one night. It soaked through the bun, wet and disgusting. My side of greens arrived a half hour after burger. Good riddance!


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