07 May 2008

Veniero's Endangered

I don't know. Call me irrational, but I don't think the level of person who grows up to become an inspector at the DOH should be allowed to enter a place as hallowed as Veniero's pastry shop, let alone pass judgment on it.

I understand that health and hygiene are serious matters and the public must be protected. But oughtn't certain vaunted and illustrious businesses be handled by a more select crew of hyper-competent and culturally senstive professionals, not just the run-of-the-mill, clipboard Nazis? Perhaps an elite department within the DOH—Special Businesses Unit—could be formed, one which understands the seriousness of its task, and treats its subject will all due respect. They could wear really swanky suits, too.

Just an idea. Anyway, the DOH shut up Veniero's—all 114 years of it—good yesterday. The bakery contends that a fix-up program resulted in a pest problem. Could be. The bakery think it may reopen on Thursday.


  1. I dunno, mouse turds in the chocolate (as stated in the DOH report), would give anyone pause.

  2. Yeah, usually I agree with you but not in this case. (Unless you are totally kidding, which you don't seem to be.) No reason for this place to be treated differently from KFC.

  3. Check your spelling and grammar. Homophones are tough, I know! But you can do it. Just like you claim the DOH has a responsibility to this city's establishments, so do bloggers have a certain level of responsibility to the community of readers and the next generation of writers (who will hopefully know the difference between "wear" and "where" - and "were" which is not a homophone at all).

  4. Baha, Carol: I'm joking. I don't really think they deserve special treatment, health inspection-wise. Except that maybe I do. Dunno. Guess I was being half-satirical. I know everyone has to abide by the rules. But it does get my back up to think of those DOH goons (and I do think a lot of them are goons--why should they be any different from any other city agency) running roughshod over history.

  5. No doubt you are right, Joe. I do my best. Wish I had a proofreader, but it's just little old me here, squeezing in the blog work in the few cracks in my ridiculous schedule.

  6. I lived on that block for years, in an apartment with a shower in the kitchen and toilet in the hallway (that wasn't shared ... some sort of illegal subdivide I'm sure.)

  7. Di Roberti's around the corner was similarly shuttered this winter and to tell you the truth, I was more upset about that that I am about Vinero's, but Di Roberti's is open again in all it's simple glory and I am content to go there. I only go to Vinero's for the Pepper Biscuits, but I'd miss them if I couldn't get them any more.

  8. When I lived on that block, Veneiro's used to give a local, somewhat-mentally-impaired fellow a job sweeping around the building. They let him wear his uniform - a plastic purple and yellow sword - at all times. There was a rumor he slept in the basement, but no one knew for sure.

    Once they shut down 1st Ave between 10th and 11th because there was a "mysterious package" in the window of DiRoberti's. Naturally, it was a briefcase.


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