22 July 2008

A Cool Image

As a respite to the heat, take a look at this shot of Eldridge Street circa 1927. Imagine: so much snow that it piles up in ridges along the side of the street. The kids in the photo look like they're in the midst of a snowball fight. Just don't break old man Rabinowitz's grocery store window or you'll fetch a box on your ears!


  1. Your photo os part of the larger Tax Photos collection held by the NYC Municipal Archives.


    Per the above link:

    "During the 1930's, local governments began to use photography as a tool for appraising real property for taxation purposes. New York City was the largest municipality to adopt this technology. The result was 720,000 35mm black and white images of every property in the five Boroughs. The Municipal Archives acquired the original negatives (20,000 strips of film stored in cans) in the early 1980s."

  2. I know. I sent away for it. Honestly acquired!

  3. Have you ever killed time over at http://www.shorpy.com/ ? It's a fabulous resource for vintage photos. Today's featured image? A Saks window from 1920. Blow it up for it's true glory. Then click on any category for an afternoon of sepia eye candy.


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