21 July 2008

Lost City: New Orleans Edition: Service By Spencer Tracy

Rubenstein's Department Store has been on Canal Street in New Orleans since 1924. It remains in the Rubenstein family and, unlike many such stores in other cities, continues to do well. There are two floors of clothes inside, surprisingly high-end stuff for both men and ladies. There are some items made specifically for Rubenstein's and bear their label.

A sale was afoot when I visited and from the moment I entered I was shadowed by an eager, smiling young salesman named Spencer Tracy. I kid you not. I usually hate this sort of treatment, but he was so smiling and so friendly, I didn't mind his company. I think it was the moment he offered to bring me a Coke or a Beer that he won me over.

"Are you serious?" I said. "Yes," he smiled. "Do people actually take you up on that offer?" "Yes, one a hot day, they do." "I can tell you," I replied, "that if anyone in a store in New York City ever offered a customer a coke or a beer or even a glass of water, they would fall over from shock."

I bought a nice short-sleeved shirt with a Rubenstein label. Next year, I'm saying yes to that beer. Somehow, I can't think of anything cooler than shopping for clothes in New Orleans while drinking a beer.

1 comment:

  1. I love Spencer Tracy! My favorite actor of all time...I musta seen 30-40 of his movies. It doesn't surprise me one bit any young man also named Spencer Tracy is a heck of a nice guy. Very cool.


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