22 August 2008

New, But Not Better, Look for Zito Bakery

The legendary Bleecker Street bakery A. Zito & Sons, which has had a sad, sad, sad afterlife since it closed its doors for good, continues to suffer the indignities of being a battered, empty shell of its former self. There's been a slight improvement, though. The nasty plywood in the front window has been replaced with a large "I Heart New York" poster. (At least I think that's what it is. The heart looks like it's erupting.)

But I ask you: is treating the former home of Zito in this manner the right way to say you love New York?


  1. You're right...that sucks. Like pissing on someone's gravestone.

  2. Its SO sad to see the West Village slowly transition into this. I grew up in the WV and Zito's was my moms daily stop. I guess nothing stays the same...

  3. Neil R Lipes1/03/2016 7:53 PM

    The shuttering of this Greenwich Village icon is sad beyond description..for years when I worked in the area I would stop to pick up bread to be utilized to construct my daily Italian hero for lunch, and or dinner:-) having been stuffed with all the goodies from Faiccos "Sal-a-Marie" up Bleeker Street. Zito's was like the United Nations........folks from every ethnic background shopped there........Italians (natch) and even good Jew boys like myself.......addicited to amazing semolina bread!

    Every year more and more of the real five boroughs of New York City fade(s) into the past ........and all that we of the first and second generation knew, and coveted, will soon be no more........


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