03 September 2008

Chinatown's Ancient Nom Wah Tea Parlor Closed by Dept. of Health

Oh, horrors. The ancient and right honorable Nom Wah Tea Parlor on Doyers Street—a piece of ur-Chinatown if there ever was one—has been closed by the Department of Health.

The landmark, occupying a place of the former "Bloody Angle" of Doyer Street since 1920, calls itself the first dim sum parlor in Chinatown, and it probably is. If not, its certainly the oldest ones still around. The facade's a classic, little changed over the years. One could imagine an opium den being tucked in back.

The DOH notice is fresh: it was posted on Sept. 2.


  1. So sad. I loved that place.

  2. I know it's sad and everything, but I have to wonder why it was closed permanently and not just for cleanup.

  3. Was it closed permanently, Brad? I assumed it would reopen after the owners corrected the DOH violations.


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