22 October 2008

Chumley's: Not Much Doing

I swung by Chumley's the other night to see what was doing. Answer: nothing much. Doesn't look like anything's been done since the Times wrote an update on the old speakeasy back in August. The dispiriting new cinder-block facade looks to be at the same state of construction it was them. I guess the fact that people are still trying to resurrect the place at all after all this time is a sign of something hopeful.

Meanwhile, people are still discovering that the bar is closed and dismantled. A guy walking by me said, "Chumley's is gone? Man, that sucks. Gone? Wow. What a great place. That really sucks. I can't believe Chumley's is gone. That really sucks." Yeah. That about says it.


  1. This one excellent reason to NOT extend another term to Bloomberg or Quinn.

  2. I agree, mymy. When it first collapsed, I asked "Where's Bloomberg?" A real mayor of New York would recognize the loss of Chumley's as a serious calamity. Or at least something worth a few words.


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