29 October 2008

Landlord to Denude Cafe Un Deux Trois of Fabulous Signage

Cafe Un Deux Trois's new landlord, who apparently thinks Times Square is a posh, subtle place, is insisting that the longstanding eatery take down its classic signage in favor of a more subdued frontage.

The "Cafe 123" sign (seen below in happier times) that used to hang out front has already been removed, replaced by a sad little black and white cloth banner. The remainder of the glorious white-bulb signs that festoon the facade will follow it into oblivion. The restaurant owner told Lost City that there's nothing he can do about it; the landlord is adamant.

This is deeply unfortunate. The Cafe Un Deux Trois signage was a joy to behold, and one of the classiest, New York-iest day-for-night jobs in the district. Only an ignoramus would consider the signs vulgar.

The owner said he plans to sells the signs on eBay soon. So signage fans better keep an eye out.

1 comment:

  1. guess the owner figured he couldn't dress up a pig: himself.


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