27 October 2008

Some Fallout From Last Week's Travesty of Justice

There has been a active and dramatic aftermath to Bloomberg and Quinn's bum's rush of the third-term law through a deeply divided City Council, and none of the news speaks well of the action. (Can anything speak of the action?) Here are some select articles:

The gallery heckled City Council members as they voted for the the term limits bill. Councilman Tony Avella, as usual, spoke the truth. [The Daily News]

The battle over term limits now goes to court, with at least two suits challenging the motion, required further expenditure of the City's time and energies during a time of crisis. [NY Times]

Turncoat Councilman David Yassky tries to explain himself, unsuccessfully. [City Room]

The Council other last-minute vote-changer, Darlene Mealy, threw up twice before voting "yes" and they got in a car crash. Karma?

Clyde Haberman
offers a stinging appraisal of what Bloomberg's victory means for his legacy. [NY Times]

Nobody wants to read Bloomberg's new book now. [NY Times]

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