26 November 2008

50, 63, 100 Years—Whatever, It's Old!

When prosaic businesses like hardware stores, plumbers and auto-body shops reach landmark anniversaries, they generally don't make a fuss about it. These are not overly romantic lines of work. So one can patronize an appliance store or a office supply shop and not necessarily realize that it's been around since 1922, because there's nothing on view to notify a patron of the business' longevity.

Not so with All-County Plumbing of Brooklyn. "Over 50 Years" screams the sign. Yeah, about 13 years over—the smaller sign underneath clearly states "Since 1945." (Actually, according to the company's website, the All-County family has been doing Brooklyn plumbing jobs as far back as the early 1900's, when house calls were made by horse-drawn wagon. They really should get their story straight.)

There's lots to entertain the eye here. The shop is "Gas Company Approved," whatever that means. You'll get a lifetime guarantee on all piping, but only a one-year guarantee on faucets. The drippy faucets motif is a lot of fun, as is the "Emergency Service" sign in the shape of a van.

I know the painted "Pet Food" sign on the nearby brick wall is not part of the All-County (Kings County, I assume) design scheme, but I kinda feel it belongs somehow. No one else is using it, anyway; a pet shop is no longer in that neighboring building.

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