06 November 2008

And It's Still There

So what's going on with the Cheyenne Diner?

Six months after the flurry of news that the midtown Manhattan diner would be closing for good, and then the second news cycle about how it was being saved by Mike O'Connell, son of Red Hook developer of note, Greg O'Connell, and would be moved out to Red Hook, the big silver thing still sits there like doorstop. And winter's setting in.

The defunct diner still looks as it did. Not much has changed inside or out, aside from a couple parasitic attachments by neighboring eateries, including one from the Skylight Diner, the landlord that kicked the Cheyenne owners out in the first place, and one from Ming's, a neighborhood Chinese place that seems to think Cheyenne's glass-brick wall is a perfect place for their take-out menus. I would hereby like to encourage people not to visit Skylight or Ming's. Do unto others, boys, do unto others.


  1. If all those photos are contemporaneous, the exterior is surprisingly free of parasitic attachments. (A nice turn of phrase, that; reminds me of childhood walks in Connecticut woods, when I would come across fallen trees bristling with wood-ear mushrooms.) Let's be grateful, at least, that the Cheyenne Diner hasn't acquired a second skin of paper flyers.

  2. there is a difference, they have frosted the windows. Wasn't there before.

  3. The interior was used in a film shoot a few months back. This may have something to do with the frosted windows. Ironically the film crew spruced it up and now looks in better shape than it did when it was up and running..

  4. Come on and get the place reopened. And tell that film crew to clean up those windows.


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