18 November 2008

Iconography on Bleecker

Something about this Bleecker Street storefront has always struck me as iconic. It's like a shop from central casting, circa 1940. So perfectly frozen is it in its mundane historical detail that it almost amounts to a living Photo League photograph. Too bad it's part of a brick building sagging so badly that its thisclose to falling down in a heap.

Nice detail: There's an "ATM Inside" sign in the window, and the ATM is outside the store.


  1. Geez. I was gonna run almost exactly this same shot tommorrow! Heck, I am going to do it anyway! Nice one.

  2. Very funny detail about the two ATM machines! I agree that this picture is very iconic. I am going to try and track down this place in person....

  3. Yeah, Ken Mac, don't let me stop you. I'm sure your shot will be better than mine. Btw, like the Mr. Hulot picture.

  4. Finally, someone knows MR Hulot!

  5. Yes, beautiful, but it used to be much more so before they repainted the facade. IT was like something out of Edward Hopper before, with rich, brick / peeling paint. I used to sit outside on the Carmine St. cafes and marvel at its beauty, now diminished, not to mention the departure of Joe's pizza.

  6. I went to Our Lady of Pompeii in the 60's -70's. I remember when the nuns made us march over there in a group to protest the selling of Playboy. Worked there later assembling the Times and News on weekends.


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