18 November 2008

Whither P&G Cafe? Maybe Evelyn Nesbit's Home

Lost City is confused.

Just a couple days ago, I reported some news related by a reader that the wonderful old UWS bar that goes by the name of P&G Cafe was closing on Dec. 31 with little hope of reopening, aside from a possible future life at 86th and Amsterdam.

Now Ken Mac, regular commenter and fabulous blogger, tells me that he's been to the bar and the owner says the saloon will reopen at 78th and Columbus. Which, you know, is a little different from 86th and Amsterdam. Plus, the fantastic neon sign with be traveling with them. What goes on here? Both these men heard it from the horse's mouth, and on occasions not more than a week apart, too. Of course, P&G does serve liquor, which may account for some erraticness in these instances of storytelling.

UPDATE: Someone write in to ditto Ken Mac's account, saying P&G will take the Evelyn Lounge spot. I know that location. It's a basement place, as I recall, opposite the Museum of Natural History. The old building has a cool history involving Evelyn Nesbit. After Harry Thaw, Evelyn's jealous husband, shot and killed Stanford White in the "Crime of the Century," the couple retired in this building.


  1. Call me confused as well. And I had yet to drink a beer when the barkeep told me 78th/Columbus. I'm going to head back next Monday (need more pics) and confirm the details. Thanks for the props.

  2. The Evelyn spot is not right for P&G. Shake Shack down the street - the Museum across the way?

    Yes, it's a basement, and that's a plus. But it's residential, it's "young," and too fresh.

    Amsterdam Ave has a much more "real" feel to it - go a little further north up Amsterdam into the low 90s even, and you can find some better - and cheaper storefonts where P&G would fit in fine. But I'll miss it over on 73rd St. Always a beacon of light for me (especially when the wife is at Fairway!)

  3. wow, great historical fact there on the update. Still, I will get up there monday to make sure I got it right...or wrong...

  4. Didn't know that that was where Evelyn Nesbit lived post-scandal. Interesting info, Brooks, as always!


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