31 December 2008

Cheyenne Diner to Float on Down to Red Hook?

There is news on the Cheyenne Diner, the midtown diner that, eight months ago, was said to be relocating to Red Hook, and yet still sits on 33rd Street and Ninth. From Chelsea Now:

Preservationists cheered when Cheyenne property owner George Papas negotiated last April to sell the 68-year-old diner to Michael O’Connell, a Red Hook construction manager who agreed to restore the restaurant intact as part of the deal to bring it to the Brooklyn waterfront. But plans to move the more-than-100-foot-long structure in two parts dissolved after it proved too large to travel across the Manhattan Bridge, leaving a final option of floating it by barge through the New York Harbor to its destination in Red Hook.

The alternative is a daunting one: The job entails transporting the diner to a pier on the Hudson River, loading it onto a barge via crane, towing the barge with a tugboat, and using another crane to lift it back onto land.

“We’re going to see what the financial feasibility is of moving it that way,” O’Connell told Chelsea Now this week, noting that the job was put out to bid a few weeks back, with no responses so far. “If not, we’ll just scrap the whole idea of moving it.”

Doesn't sound promising to me. "Financial feasibility" is developer-speak for "I don't want to spend a lot of money."

1 comment:

  1. Hey, where have you been? I hope your off somewhere having fun.


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