22 December 2008

I'm Charmed

Want to get a slice at the vaunted, publicity-magnet pizzeria Artichoke, and not face the horrendous lines you've read about on the web? Find out when I go, and shadow me.

I don't know what I'm doing right, but I have been to Artichoke four times since it opened on 14th Street and I have never encountered a line. I have never even waited more than a minute. Each time, I've marched right in, ordered my slice, and left, contented and anger-free. I've tried every slice and loved them all—the artichoke-spinach and crab slices most of all. Don't hate me; I'm not doing it on purpose. There's just a little pizza angel on my shoulder.

Noticed a new piece of decor on today's visit: a leg lamp that is a dead ringer for the notoriously ugly lamp the Old Man wins in a newspaper contest in the yuletide classic "A Christmas Story." I assumed it was a special addition for the holidays. But no. The owner of Artichoke has never heard of the movie in question, or seen it. He doesn't know what people are talking about when they mention it, and they apparently mention it a lot.

Artichoke is a funny place.


  1. I don't mind the wait - it's the best pizza in the hood - maybe even in the borough. I did have a pretty entertaining experience there the other night when an old lady (drinking a 32 oz. Bud through a straw) verbally assaulted the young lady taking the money and the guy who's always there moving the slices because her pizza was burnt. The ten witnesses in line stood up for the staff and their delicious burnt pies. MMMMMMM.

  2. Best pizza in the neighborhood/borough? Are you kidding? Perhaps it has the most unique slices, but they're not the best. And who really enjoys a burnt slice of pizza?


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