30 December 2008

Lost City to on "Brian Lehrer Show" Wednesday, Dec. 31

Lost City will be interviewed on the estimable "The Brian Lehrer Show" tomorrow, Wednesday, Dec. 31, at 10 AM. The subject will be my recent "Bring Out Your Dead" article, about the New York City landmarks lost during the last 12 months. So tune in!


  1. The Army Corp Archaeologist made a complete study of the Gowanus Canal for they recommendion of the area for the National Historic Register. In that study they sighted 5 buildings that had significant historic value to the area. Toll Brothers Inc, who had an open application before the State Brownfield Cleanup Program for a site along the Gowanus, dropped the open Brownfield Cleanup application in order to have one of the 5 Army Corp designated buildings torn down.

    Toll claims that they had nothing to do with this building being torn down, that the current owner they are in contract with, took out the building on their own--though it is quite clear from THEIR brownfield application that the building was in the way of their proposed development project and the needed it to go-a-way.

    The City now wants to grant Toll the zoning change Toll needs for their redevelopment project. The community wants restitution for this action. In stead CP wants to grant 12 story heights in exchange for a few 'affordable" unit to live in.

    Toll Brothers owes NYC for this action--not the other way around. Citizens of NY owe Toll nothing--not even the zoning change they are asking us for.

  2. fantastic! COngrats and I am there.

  3. damn, I overslept. Can you run the interview streaming on the blog?

  4. Ken, I'll link to the show as soon as the Lehrer people put it on their site.


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