09 December 2008

The Mad Santa Painter Strikes

A holiday window painter is being hired with reckless abandon by businesses along Columbia and Unions Streets in Brooklyn.

Over the past couple weeks, large elaborate Christmas-themed murals have appeared on four separate store windows. The work is obviously that of the same artist, who favors a chubby-cheeked Santa with a droopy moustache and an inadvertent tendency to expose his ample midsection. Above is the painting adorning Dub Pies on Columbia Street. Below is the House of Pizza and Calzone.

This is the Columbia Street Supermarket at the corner of President and Columbia. It is the most elaborate of the artworks. I caught the painter in the act of creation here. A young man of about 30 in a wool cap. Probably making some extra holiday money, and why not?

And here is the painting on the Coffee Den, at Union and Hicks. The artist mixes it up a bit here, going for Rudolph instead of St. Nick. I particularly like the Brooklyn-centric skyline in the back and the fact that Rudolph is bringing home a clay bottle of moonshine.


  1. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs. Especially because you show so much of Carroll Gardens, my old neighborhood. I visited a few weeks ago and passed Mazzola's Bakery as they were readying to hoist the tree.
    I'm trying to rent the Luso-American Cultural Center for a neighborhood reunion party next October. I'll let you know the details as soon as I have it booked. You'll be able to solve the mystery and take some interior photos.

  2. Thanks, Vince! I would be seriously indebted to you if you got me inside the elusive Luso-American Cultural Center! Please let me know.

  3. There's a guy in Astoria who paints store windows with seasonal themes all year long (Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, etc.). Too bad his designs aren't nearly as elaborate as these.


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