12 December 2008

Snow, and Buildings, of Years Gone By

I had hoped it might snow over the night. Then I had hoped it might snow today. So far, my hopes have been dashed. So, to comfort myself, I am posting this inviting image of some flakes-clad buildings on Bond and Carroll Streets.

The image was sent to me recently by a reader who was tossing out some old photos and couldn't bear to completely dump this one, so she sent it to me. Here's what she wrote of the interesting set of old structures:

This is pre-construction bond&carroll street (2003). 346 bond, the roll-gated building, used to be a hansom carriage repair shop complete with a filled-in gutter for drainage of horse manure. It was huge on the inside with multiple skylights and on the left wall, you could see where they bricked up the entrance to the building next door which I THINK might have been the actual stable house. At the time this photo was taken, it was a motorcycle repair shop (the shop’s owner grandfathered the repair shop thing in to make the business legal). The building next to it with the windows had a family living in it. On the other side was a metalworking shop of some sort.

As she indicated, these buildings are now gone. I remember them quite well, having passed the corner many times.

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