21 December 2008

Sullen and Spoiled for Christmas

The Lord & Taylor Christmas window displays are a bit schizophrenic this year. Half of the windows are delightful, depicting a variety of classic yuletide scenes, mainly from days gone by. The other half, however, are contemporary peeks into lives of luxury, featuring a cast of willowy, sullen ice beauties who look like they won't be satisfied by any gift they might get, and don't consider it part of the bargain that they should say "Thank you." The lady above appears to be gazing out the window in search of an elusive gold-plated UPS truck. Ms. Thing below, meanwhile, is sitting on a love seat, but I doubt she'll be making room on it for anybody else.

I'm thinking this display was mapped out sometime last summer, because these chilly heiresses with their air of haughty entitlement strike a discordant note in the current economic environment. Then again, maybe they just got a call from Bernie Madoff's office and have learned that their fortunes have melted with the snow. I'd be sullen, too, after getting that news.

1 comment:

  1. Remembering...

    I despise Christmas except maybe Bach's Christmas cantatas and THIS:


    Too many historical connections, too much resonance to elaborate now but to begin--

    * Writer, director and star Allen Baron is East New York, Brooklyn native, New Lots & Logan

    * The writer of the voiceover words was one Waldo Salt, who'd go on to write the screenplay for a little New York film called "Midnight Cowboy."

    There's much much more to say.

    Caz Dolowicz
    Who Walk In Brooklyn


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